Recommend suitable buggy for clueless first-timer?


Registered User
Would really apprecaite some advice from parents on the boards.

First timer parents to be and have just started thinking about buying a buggy but am bewildered by all the options not to mention brands!
Apparently we will need a travel system with buggy, car seat and carrier but they seem quite bulky so I would love a recommendation for one that folds easily/takes up little space as have a v small house. Also, as well as for normal everyday use, Also hope to be using it on uneven terrain (sort of off-road for excercise) and there seems to be different wheel types - three wheelers/four wheelers etc
Taking into account the above - compact yet good on different terrains, can anyone who knows what they're talking about recommend a good option? Was in Mothercare at the weekend but were completely overwhelmed by all the options and no one available to ask!

Thanks in advance
Hi there,

You are right, it is a very difficult decision.

We got a Micralite Toro and after nearly a year of using it, would buy it again.
It is light and manouevreable (spelling) and folds easily and in one piece, and it looks good :) Only downside is the storage compartment underneath is a bit small. You can get a carrycot attachment for the first few months and it is also compatible with the maxicosi carseat which is very popular.

I would say that some of our friends went for the Phil and Teds as they were planning on 'going again' fairly soon and knew that they would need a double buggy. That is very big though and quite heavy I think.

Hope this helps.
Also hope to be using it on uneven terrain (sort of off-road for excercise)
I'd say forget the notion of 4x4 buggy. I know a guy who goes running with his long 3-wheeler buggy, but only over a good pathway. I don't rate travel systems; I'd go for a which would be suitable from birth until at least 3 years old. And a Britax Rock-a-Tot carrier/car seat which will do until about 6 months, after which you'd need to get a bigger car seat. There are cheaper options but IMHO you won't go wrong with what I've suggested here.
Buy the cheapest you can; get a hand-me-down from somewhere, or second hand even. Pick light over heavy. Ignore brand names. If it feels comfy to push and is easy to fold, it will be fine.

We have five kids and we started out with a swanky 'Mamas and Papas' pushchair ( long since dumped). We currently use a cheap and light single and a slightly more robust double.