Recommend phone company for business?


Registered User
Sorry in advance if this topic has already been covered. I did do a search but only come up with non-business packages. I wondered if anyone can recommend a good business package. I'm currently with eircom, but the bills seem to be getting higher and I wouldnt think my usage is huge. I would ring local national and mobile mainly, with a few international calls. And of course ISDN usage. Anyone any ideas?
We switched to Access at work, and I am kicking myself that we didn't do it ages ago. The bills are right down.

Thanks Brendan. I've just looked for them in the phone book and googled them to no avail, would you have any contact detail for them please?

I have a similar situation. Sick of getting fleeced for landline/isdn etc from Eircom for business use.

Does anyone know of a comparison survey that has been conducted? or has anyone gone through the process of comparing more than one provider?
