Recommend good DVD Box sets?


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Hi, I am sick of watching rubbish on TV, between soaps and home improvements, I have had enough. Looking for escapism, to beam me away from reality sometimes and I was wondering can anybody recommend a good box set, was in HMV on Saturday and I was stumped, selection didn't seem to be great either but if I was to order online..... I am not pushed, TV series, films, etc for fun times or even a documentary which you found really interesting, just don't recommend Lost, lost hours off my life more like. Gave up after series 3 ended.
Band of brothers, 24, Sopranos.

If you're into sci-fi, always plenty of that around.
Hmmm, I actually heard of the Wire, great reviews. Might get that. Do you know what is really good, suprised myself by really liking it. Dexter! Can be gorey but a lot of suspense. Great fun.

Lost season 4 picks up again and is alot better. Try The shield, 24, and The West Wing. I enjoyed all of those and I'm hearing good things about the wire.
I'd highly recommend Band of Brothers BTW - and this is from someone who doesn't really like war related stuff.
No, after the first 2 series of Scrubs, the characters get so annoying, especially the senior doctor with his rambling on & on, but borrowed 'My Name is Earl' box set off a friend, the humour never gets old to me, but then again, thats my taste!!
Oz, The Sopranos, The Wire (currently running nightly on BBC2 where I'm seeing it for the first time), and if you're into sci-fi, Babylon 5 or Star Trek Deep Space 9!
Will add my weight to both Band of Brothers and The West Wing. Trouldble with both is that they're so good its hard to stop watching them. Often fell asleep at 3 in the morning!!
Oz, The Sopranos, The Wire (currently running nightly on BBC2 where I'm seeing it for the first time), and if you're into sci-fi, Babylon 5 or Star Trek Deep Space 9!

Gipimann are you a b5 fan like me?

Abbica My name is Earl is brilliant

Deep Space nine is good too

Enjoyed Scrubs

But if you want classic comedy look no further than Yes Minister series 1,2&3 then Yes Prime Minister brilliant stuff

Or if you enjoy a bloody good triller try Edge of Darkness with Bob Peck lots of cameos in the series but it is brilliant beyond words.

Best of all has to be the 5 year arc of Babylon 5, 88 episodes and several films.

and so it begins

Yeah i remember watching the 1st ever episode in Orlando the night it started, hooked ever since