Recommend easy to use Nokia


Registered User
My Nokia has finally given up the ghost and is held together by a rubber band. Loath to give it up but really it's had it's day. It's at least 10 years old. One of those ones with proper buttons etc and I want another one. I've googled and the nearest seems to be Nokia 1208 or Nokia 1616. Just use it for pay and go, making calls, receiving calls and the odd text message also it's my watch, green button for dial and red button for stop etc. Don't need any thing else not camera, not emails, not internet not a shiny front which you can't see in sunlight. It's also strong and has 'bounced' off the floor a few times which is probably why the battery case is not 100% but my OH's new slick Nokia goes into smithereens when it hits the floor and I don't want that. Anyone have any idea what I need?
I have a Nokia 3510i I dont use anymore if u wanna stay proper old skool?!
Take out the battery, you should be able to see the model number on the inside of the phone.
No it doesn't look like any of those. I'll just undo the rubber band and get the serial number..... It's 6310i. Would you believe it's made in Germany I thought they were made in Finland. But the battery comes from China.

My husband originally had one like it years ago (around the time where every house had a different phone recharger taking up every spare socket) which I was impressed with and then he got a new really slick expensive one from his company and in those days they didn't take back the defunct phone when you got a new one so he gave it to me and I lost it on a trip to Ireland (another long story) and I bought a new Nokia which I hated, soft buttons etc. So he asked at work and someone fished the one I have now out of a drawer for dead phones and he gave it to me about 4 years ago. But I've tried cellotape which doesn't work and honest to goodness the blue rubber band does not look as sophisticated as I would like, so what's a girl to do. I'd like a new unslick phone that is uncomplicated and is just a phone. And that feels like the 6310i if you know what I mean.
Does it look like this:

Actually I went down through them line by line. Most of them don't match because they have a colour screen. But on page 12 on the line where you have a thing called Game 84 on the extreme right hand side is the closest thing. When I turn on my phone I don't have Nokia written just two shaking hands.
Bronte, I have one of them in the drawer. I'm bringing it to the Uk next week to see if I can get it repaired as the on/off button is banjaxed. Otherwise it is perfect. Best phone ever. One charge a week even with all my calls. I want a phone like u. Make/receive calls/texts only.
They can be bought on the internet. Do a search. Perhaps ebay.
This story has a happy ending. I discovered on Amazon that I could buy the same phone I currently have (6310i) and it was delivered 2 days later. I visited some shops and none had anything like it. My new phone is lighter (battery I think) and now my other half wants to swop. His is already dinted and scratched and useless.
What's the Amazon link for the store you bought it from Bronte?

My Mam is always looking for the older, easier to use phones.