My Nokia has finally given up the ghost and is held together by a rubber band. Loath to give it up but really it's had it's day. It's at least 10 years old. One of those ones with proper buttons etc and I want another one. I've googled and the nearest seems to be Nokia 1208 or Nokia 1616. Just use it for pay and go, making calls, receiving calls and the odd text message also it's my watch, green button for dial and red button for stop etc. Don't need any thing else not camera, not emails, not internet not a shiny front which you can't see in sunlight. It's also strong and has 'bounced' off the floor a few times which is probably why the battery case is not 100% but my OH's new slick Nokia goes into smithereens when it hits the floor and I don't want that. Anyone have any idea what I need?