Recommend consultant in Holles Street Semi Private


Registered User
Any recommendations for consultant semi private in Holles Street appreciated

You were already advised to read the posting guidelines, so, to help you out, here's the bit that is relevant to your post:

20. Please don't discuss medical issues including weight loss

We do not discuss medical issues other than to provide links to support groups and medical forums. We do not allow recommendations for doctors, dentists or medical practitioners generally. We do not allow discussion of weight loss issues either as they always develop into either advertising or medical topics such as anorexia.
You may discuss tax relief on medical expenses and pricing of medical services or health insurance. It is ok to provide information on the availability of emergency doctors or 24 hour pharmacies. But you should not discuss effectiveness of treatment or quality of care.

Below are some sites which are better equipped to deal with such issues. We got the following sites from The (English) Times <UL>[broken link removed]
Net Doctor
[broken link removed]
MedLine Plus
Dr Foster