recommend city centre driving instructor?


Registered User
I'm living in Dublin 8 practically on the quays. Can anyone recommend a driving instructor who would cover this area?
Can't suggest a specific instructor, but I (and family members) have used ISM (Irish school of motoring) and have found (multiple instructors working for) them excellent.

The ISM head office is on Dorset St. and I'm sure they'd have a couple of instructors who'd cover D8.
I rang the ISM office listed on their website as serving Dublin 8, she was to ring me back in ten minutes and didn't. I rang her back two days later and she wasn't remotely bothered that she hadn't rang me back and said I probably should ring the Crumlin office. This level of service didn't inspire me hence the query here.
No experience with the Dorset St office, but having received a present of 10 lessons from a family member (who was passing on lessons they had bought for themselves having passed the test first time) I was very happy with the service. It was nearly 18 months after I received them when I finally went to use them. One call to the Customer Care and they got everything sorted for me (they had to do a search on the purchase as I wasn't given any reference code). I used an instructor in the West of Ireland. They were excellent (though I will admit that I just as easily could have gotten a terrible instructor) and again helped me pass the test first time (the family member having used an instructor in North County Dublin, and again very impressed with the standard). I had a number of lessons remaining when I passed, so again they were transferred with ease. A couple have been used now in Cork and again I'm told the instructor is superb. Maybe I got lucky with the service I received, but from my experience I'd happily suggest ISM to any friends/family. [No connection with ISM other than having lessons with them] (apologies, for some reason the formatting of the post is turning up as a single block of text - was playing around with net settings so have to go look at what I changed)
Thanks Setanta, I'll give them another go, might just head over to the Dorset St office and go from there.
Rang ISM on Tuesday, booked a lesson for Thursday evening, the only time the lady was available that week, paid in advance and she never showed up! Not even a phone call. Not so impressed with that.
I'm living in Dublin 8 practically on the quays. Can anyone recommend a driving instructor who would cover this area?

yes I have contact details for a very good instructor. He taught my daughter how to drive.
He brought her on 1 or 2 pre test runs, before the test, and she
said the test was a piece of cake, he was strick with her, so that when the test came, she wasnt in the least phased.
If you are interested let me know and I will check out his contact details.
Hi, would be great if people could PM me with details of good driving instructors around D2. Also, details of who to avoid would be helpful! Many thanks!