Recommend best route from Naas to Ballsbridge?


Registered User

I would be grateful if someone could recommend the best practicle and reliable route from commuting between Naas and Ballsbridge by car or public transport.

Bus Eireann to Busarus and then DART from Connolly to Landsdowne Road is one way. My friend uses Bus Eireann and it would appear to be quicker than driving (depending on times I guess).
Keeping with public transport they could try the train from Sallins to Heuston, Luas to Connolly and then Dart.

By car, well I'd probably just look for another job nearer to home ...
Thanks Xavier,

Comments appreciated but I including car to Sallins that would involve 4 different modes of transport!

Anyone else?

Buy a good scooter (125cc minimum) for your distance. No payment for parking and cut commuting time in half - I currently do swords to blackrock daily in approx 35-40 minutes each way on a 125cc bike.
Not a bad idea Nai....

Has anyone tried the train from Sallins to Hueston and then the 92 bus to Leeson St. and then walk?

The thing about this method is that you'll need to be on the first carriage of the train and alight as the train is still moving to run the length of the platform to be one of the chosen few to squeeze onto the bus
But it is a possibility if I do as you suggest.

I can't find any other real option except for the bus from Naas to Belfield and ask to driver to let me off somewhere close to ballsbridge between St. Stephens green and Belfield.

Does anyone know if this bus (Naas to Belfield) stops anywhere close to Ballsbridge?

Thanks. D.
IF the bus passing thru Donnybrook u can get oof there...ballsbridge is within walking distance!
Thanks Polo9n.

Is anyone sure the bus will stop at Donnybrook if requested and would it stop on the return journey?

Thanks Polo9n.

Is anyone sure the bus will stop at Donnybrook if requested and would it stop on the return journey?


I know that the Belfield bus stops on Stephen's Green anyway. Last few times I got it, it only took 1 hour becuase bus lane on approach to Newlands Cross which is worst bit in car. You could walk from Stephen's Green.