Recommend an Investment


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I was hoping somebody might be able to advise me on my options as how best to invest my income?I'm financially independent,have zero debts.I have a very good income and very little in the way of day to day outgoing.At the present time my income goes into my current a/c in PTSB,thus negligible return on same...I have no interest in investing in property.

If you don't have a pension, start one. If you do, consider avcs as tax efficient. Also I would suggest investing in shares.
Have you a pension?
Yes I have a pension.I work in the public sector...
If you don't have a pension, start one. If you do, consider avcs as tax efficient. Also I would suggest investing in shares.
I do not I can make additional voluntary contributions as I'm in line for a full pension or so I believe.
Dabbled a little bit in shares in the badly burned with Irish financial shares and others with the crash.I'm even a member of an Investment club and we are only making a recovery..we are currently in the red.Hence highly dubious of investing in shares.

Whom should one approach to get sound independent advice re this dilemna?
You should have a diversified portfolio of assets tailored to suit your needs, your risk tolerance and how much you can afford to lose.

Steven (