Recommend a restaurant between limerick &dublin as a stop off


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Hi Folks,
We are heading to Dublin on Friday Evening from Limerick. Its ages since we have driven to Dublin so I am looking for somewhere to stop off for a bite to eat. We will have the parents with us so McDonalds in a no go.
The only places we can think of but have not been to in ages in
Treacys just off the Portlaoise bypass or Dunkerrin Arms in Dunkerrin.
Any suggestions would be great.

Toughers do good 'Irish' dinners and turn around quickly. It off the motorway exit Naas south Rathangan. After you exit turn right going back over the motorway and go right at roundabout on other side toward Newbridge, then drive about mile and half until you see garage and restaurant on the left.
Kildare Town may be best bet,.

Option 1 - Dunne & Crezenci in the Kildare Outlets (some cheap outlet shopping while you're there?)

Option 2 - Silken Thomas Cafe Bar in Kildare town. Comprehensive menu, decent portions, well priced. Served all day. Very comfortable.

Option 3 - Cunninghams Bar - good bar food from 5.30pm

Option 4 - Colleseus Italian Restaurant with plenty of lunch & early bird specials.

Kildare town is small - park anywhere and you'll be within 100 yards or so of any of the places. Outlet village overlooks the motorway.