Recommend a good mortgage broker?

I had a bad experience with a broker - I dropped him when I had suspicions he was trying it on with me and went direct with the bank. A much more pleasant experience.
Michael Nangle,Irish Mortgage Corporation
01 669 3310
I used him and everything went as planned,

Previously, I had a very bad experience with the mortgage broker I used for buying my house. Can anyone recommend a broker/company they used that they found ok?

Many thanks
Apropos of what Conshine says - is there a specific reason that you feel the need to use a broker rather than shopping around (for mortgage, insurances, solicitor etc.) yourself directly? If not and you have the time, inclination and knowledge to do so then why not cut out the middle man?
I found gmc mortgages to be good - lady by the name of Carol. Used GMC twice and Carol helped us both times. I found her very helpful and felt that she knew her stuff.
Liam Ferguson. Used him for my mortgage a couple of years back. Posts on this forum. Believe his website is ?

Was on the ball with the bits that he had to take care of...wish i could say the same about other professions in the whole process.
Thanks everyone and for replying so quickly before Christmas! Clubman, I agree with you and Im looking at rates myself, just thought I would go to a broker as well.
I've used Donal Atkins at Atkins Mortgages and Insurances in Harolds Cross several times and he has always been very good. My brother has also used him on two occassions and likewise has been very satisfied with the service.
I used a broker previously but really did not trust what I was being offered, especially as many are offered commission to go with a particular lending agency. I also don't trust the fact that many are located within estate agencies. I lately went directly to a number of banks/building societies and found it to be a much better experience and would definately recommend that over a broker.
If you have the time and the know how then do it yourself. However a buddy of mine recently remortgaged and used a broker - can't remember name.

Basically with one phone call the broker took details, posted out a pack which my buddy responded to by posted all that was required on it, the broker then submitted it to the lender who would take them on at the best one yr fixed rate which is what they asked for at the start. Before the deal closed the received a form that the broker asked them to sign which outlined why he chose the lender he did, i.e. he had to justify the bank he chose to send their case to.
I guess like everything there are good brokers and bad brokers. I think the most important thing to look for is one that deals with a large range of banks.

Shopping around yourself is time consuming and may/may not get the best results possible. A broker can often help out when your circumstances mean you may be otherwise refused a mortgage.