Recommend a basic book for organic kitchen garden?

Delia Smith had a good book on kitchen gardens with recipes to boot....a month to month guide of what to do, etc.. You might google it or get it on amazon. I suppose the organic bit is up to yourself after that!
Hope I'm not hijacking your post, but I was wondering if there is a big demand for books like this? I work in publishing and have a proposal before me at the moment for an organic cookbook (not a gardening book, just recipes). I've no doubt we could produce a beautiful book but I'm wondering about demand.

We are bringing out one called Grow & Cook in September which gives month by month instructions on what to do in your kitchen garden (organic) followed by seasonal recipes. It's written by Tom Doorley, but as I said it's not a lot of use if you're looking for something now.

Delia's book, mentioned above, is not specifically organic but it will teach you how to grow your own veg, so presumably you could apply organic principles yourself. Another one is

You could try the organic centre in Leitrim for some suggestions. They also run weekend courses.
Thanks for recommendations. I had seen Delias book on Amazon but sometimes its nice to get recommendations from someone who's actually used the book.

Sar- I don't know if there is a big demand. I'd imagine there would be- especially if it is month by month with basic instructions- that's pretty much what I am looking for. And recipes would be an added bonus.

I'm thinking of starting a small plot with the kids, so really want to start off with the basics- simple stuff like lettuces, strawberries- stuff that the kids will actually eat so they can see the whole process from beginning to end. We had a veg garden at home years ago and I always remember the sweetness of peas just eaten from the pod. And how there were never any strawberries left cause the minute one was anywhere approaching ripe one of my brothers would nick it!
The best organic vegetable book I have come across is Joy Larkcom's 'Grow Your Own Vegetables'. Very informative - very down to earth if you'll excuse the pun! Paperback seems to be available in most bookshops in Ireland. I've bought it more than once after accidentally leaving it outside in the garden to be destroyed by rain!
Browse your local library

Also, older books will predate much of the non organic era

HMSO between the 1st & 2nd wars published a few small books on growing fruit and veg. ( I think they were reprinted after the 2nd war ).

( for all I know the free state / republic did likewise. Perhaps Govt Publications have shelves of them still ? )
Thanks Sherman and Olddog- good idea about the library- I never think of it until it's too late!