Reclaiming stamp duty



I'm currently filling in a form to reclaim stamp-duty and can't figure out whether the .1% stamp duty on my mortgage is also reclaimable?

Here's what our stamp duty was...

To Pay Stamp Duty @ 3% €11,430.00
To Pay Stamp Duty @ .1% €424.00

So basically I am wondering if the amount reclaimable is €11,430 or €11,854

Sorry to bother you all with this but I can't seem to get the answer elsewhere (my solicitor hasn't got back to me about it and I'm not sure the financial regulator hotline thingy will know either - anyway, I just rang them and waited for 5 minuutes on hold to then be told that htere was no-one on duty and would I like to leave a message :rolleyes: ). I've searched the rest of the forums but can't see the answer anywhere. Apologie sin advance if I have missed it.

THanks for any help in advance
How much did you pay for your house, was it apportioned between residential and non residential and when was the purchase deed dated
Here's what our stamp duty was...

To Pay Stamp Duty @ 3% €11,430.00
To Pay Stamp Duty @ .1% €424.00
That looks odd to me.

Your 3% amount looks like a purchase price of €381,000; the 0.1% looks like the now defunct 0.1% for stamping deeds on a purchase price of €424,000 [if that is what's being charged, note that it was actually abolished in last year's budget].

Without further information, I don't think anyone can tell you exactly what is and what isn't reclaimable. Purchase date, price [to work out what the stamp is being calculated on, since there are two different numbers floating round], and whether it's a wholly residential property would be enough to make somewhat more informed suggestions.
The first question to answer is when was the stamp duty paid. What were you buying and how much and why is there two rates. (The 0.1% used to be for mortgages)
Hi all,

Thanks for your answers, so far. The stamp duty was paid in late april of this year. Just to clear up - It's a wholly residential property - the house was 381k and the Mortgage was 424k (some money been included for renovation/repairs).

My Solicitor has come back (eventually) to tell me we should reclaim the whole lot.
Ah - that makes sense. But there's one thing your solicitor is wrong on: s/he should never have remitted the 0.1%, since that element had already been abolished. I'd recommend checking with the solicitor again that the 0.1% was actually sent in, and since s/he made the error, s/he may have to reclaim that bit / send letter explaining what happened. At no cost to you, since the mistake wasn't yours, of course.