reclaiming first-time buyers in the case of a separation



Bought a house 3yrs ago with boyfriend, he already had an existing mortgage, and so I didn't qualify as a first-time buyer.

We have since split-up, I am looking to take over the mortgage, but I believe that I will have to pay stamp duty again on half the current house value - €125,000.

This seems very unfair to me, considering I never benefited from first-time buyers grant, is there any way around this situation?

Do you actually owe any stamp duty ie i thought it was worked out half the equity which is 125K and then take the stamp duty threshold of 125k off that so it means you have no stamp duty to pay...

so nothing to worry about..
The thread title is a bit misleading since "separation" is a legal term pertaining to married couples who split up and not to unmarried couples who split up.
yes - if the equity you are taking over is only 125k then you are exepmt because of changes to SD in the last Budget. However you will pay 7% on anything over the 125k if the MV increase.