Reclaimed parque flooring and underfloor heating



Does anyone know whether hot water underfloor heating can be used underneath reclaimed parque flooring?

I have been given some parque flooring which has been taken up from an old church hall. It needs cleaned, but will come up looking great and I was wondering if it can be used in my new build.

I am planning to use hot water underfloor heating, but don't want to go to the bother of cleaning and sorting the flooring if it can't be used over the heating.

Hi stewa79,

I don't know if this is any help to you..... look at nu-heat/
Click on Flooring Info. Maybe you could call them and ask about your parquet flooring.
I heard somewhere, that in general, the 'exotic' woods are not great for U/F heating. However one thing I have learned since starting to build is to ask the same question to half a dozen people - I always get different answers. It may well be that the supplier who said that, simply didn't have the expensive exotic wood in stock. I mention exotic, because given that it is old wood it is probably some top quality timber that was used long before conservation measures came into place.
I hope it will work for you, sounds like a lovely floor!
Hi Bluebells

thanks for the reply - been on holiday so only getting it now. I'll give it a go - thanks!!

The floor cleans up really lovely, and it will be a shame not to use it somewhere.