Recession what recession?


Registered User
Recession what recession was the genuine response i recently received from a cocky salesman at a well known car dealership in Waterford last week when i suggested he needed to be even a little more flexible regarding the unrealistic price stickers he had some of the cars he was "selling".

There seems to be a real head in the sand attitude on the part of many car sales people (in the south east at least) when it comes to dealing with genuine buyers like myself who just want a fair deal.

I have heard all sorts of talk about approaching car sellers with offers of 30 % off their asking prices and having the proverbial hand and all bitten off. mmmmmmmmmm!

Please share with me where these car sellers are i'd love to meet them.

Perhaps they only exist in the imagination of motor journalist's imaginations or just north of the border.
Head north young man! I mean Dublin-ish! I noticed in Naas a load of car dealers and I expected loads of bargains plastered across the windows, nuthin! Compare that with the dealers around liffey valley shopping centre. I politely offered 10% below the price of my (second hand) car over the phone and it was accepted very very quickly!
Maybe Dublin just moves first, whether it's up or down.
Cork is also a lot better. Was at a main dealer in Waterford before Christmas about a trade in for a new car. They took all details and after hearing nothing for a few days I called, and they were still trying to get a quote; called in a week later and they were definitely going to call me back before the holidays. Never heard from them since. Made a phone call to a main dealer in Cork and they got back to me with a quote (subject to seeing the trade in) within days.
You think they would be begging for customers.

I've found that you get better offers for your trade ins in Cork, and there's plenty of dealers there.
Possibly you are talking about a garage that I also approached. Their car was 30kish and they said the BEST they could do is 1k off, so 3%? I never went back to them. When you're buying in these times you expect to get a bargain, that garage needs to add 20% onto their prices so that they can come down. I actually went to the neighbouring garage who was selling the same car, same year at the cheapest price in the country and they took 15% off. I think some dealers need to get real - when I hear 3% off is the best price I actually feel offended as I expect a LOT more.
Head north young man! I mean Dublin-ish! I noticed in Naas a load of car dealers and I expected loads of bargains plastered across the windows, nuthin!

I had reason to visit all dealers in Naas twords the end of March to look for a family hatch. Toyota, Hyundai, Ford, and Opel were very keen to do a deal. Most had €2,000 dealer and €2,500 importer incentives in place. Audi were not interested in dealing from what I experienced. I recieved 3 phone calls following up on my initial contacts.
Waterford is in a state of denial regarding the recession, which is odd considering it is probably the hardest hit place in the country in many respects.
Same denial exists in relation to House Prices there especially in the second hand market.