Recession Over/Spring Statement etc.

Betsy Og

Registered User
Bearing in mind political cynicism health warnings etc etc, but I'm delighted with recent developments. Maybe its self-serving but I'm patting myself on the back for bunkering down, paying through the nose for the last 7 years, and feeling good we've turned the corner.

As I watch Pearse Doherty on the telly, I hope and pray the Irish people wont follow those muppets - have a look at Greece if further proof needed. I recognise the dangers of pro-cyclical policies but a slight loosening of the noose may be justifiable, if only to help fend off the threat of the lunatic fringe. I did laugh when I heard ESRI man say "we need to take some heat out of the economy", the ice is only barely starting the thaw far from the Pale, so lets not be entirely addicted to austerity.

That said I think we should stay the course with water charges, not give crazy tax giveaways, try to get services improved (more front line staff), launch some capital projects, get more people back to work, deal with housing shortage in Dublin. I'd be happy to keep paying higher taxes for the above. I fear however that funds will flow into public sector wage packages and social welfare where there wont be any direct payback.

Steady hand on the tiller time Michael.
Fully agree. I had to laugh when I saw Mary Looney, Joe Higgins and Sean Fleming on the News at 6 each one struggling to out-criticise the Government and completely ignoring the progress made in the economy. It was a real case of all three being disappointed that the economy is improving, that tax cuts are on the way and that additional spending on services is now possible.
So for FF, having been the architects of the economic crash is must be galling to see that the current Government have actually steered the economy to calmer waters and that tax-payers can see relief on the horizon. For the looney left, economic growth and tax reductions are not what they want to hear. After all it undermines their whole political argument. Mary Lou looked real upset searching for something to criticise.