Recession - how come those that should have been laid off weren't?


Registered User
I am sitting listening to TodayFM and whatever tube of a DJ is on at present, and wondering how these idiots escaped the cutbacks in the economy?

He, the self-proclaimed leader and overall funny man, and his cronies who just laugh at everything he says, are prattling on about the recession and haven't played a tune in 10mins.

How come a few of these talentless tubes weren't dumped on the dole in these times? Does it really need 3 or 4 people to host a radio show?
Switch around, dont let them get to you Lots of options out there so dont waste 10 mins of your life if you're not getting entertained.

As to why they're not on the dole they would have contracts and their listenership figures are probably OK.
I have found myself switching around recently, but to be honest all the big stations are much the same.

I think I might have to go the 'local radio' route.
I remarked on the same thing on SAturday morning while travelling down the country and listening to the experience of the "DJ's" trip to the dentist! Switched on a CD and wondered who finds this entertaining??!
I stopped listening to radio a long time ago (apart from talk shows), prefer to listen to my own music collection rather than have some ego decide what I should listen to - never mind all the crap they blurb in between songs!
Have you discovered the ´off´button?
Wow, is Tony Fenton your guilty pleasure??

I am not mad on him personally as a DJ (think he tries too much to be an American), but his choice of music is more to my liking than most DJs. Tends to play a lot of music that others don't these days, such as rock.
No, but no longer listen to TodayFM now except for Matt Cooper (and sometimes Tony Fenton). Rest of their lineup is awful.

I like Matt Cooper, Ian Dempsey isn’t bad for brainless listening in the morning.
NewsTalk is now a no-go zone with the exception of Off the Ball; George Hook is awful in the evening and while Ivan Yeats is good in the morning Claire what’s-her-name is so utterly dreadful she overshadows him.
Moaning Ireland in RTE Radio 1 is about the best of a very bad lot in the morning.
Personnally, Ian Dempsey/ Ray D'Arcy in the morning, as much because there is little else on at that stage and it's too early in the day for anything heavy. Can't stand Matt Cooper, all he seems to do is ask inane questions in the hope of having a row. Drivetime on RTE can be worth it for Olivia O'Leary and Joe O'Connor, well worth listening to their podcasts, especially O'Leary.

I've got into the habit of either listening to BBC 6/7 at work or some of the BBC podcasts (Friday night comedy show is essentially on a Monday morning). I also stream stations from overseas, try KFOG from San Francisco if you're into grown up music for example

Wife like's Derek Mooney in the afternoon, nothing too OTT she says.

What bugs me about most of these "posses" that DJs seem to have is that they seem to have no reason for exisiting except laughing at the presenters jokes and far too many presenters seem to only exist to read out text messages. Thank God I have 600 CDs at home
What about Gerry Ryan? How he manages to hold down a job in broadcasting is beyond belief.

And that Show / DJ won a major award earlier this year which is extraordinary, the award wer broadcast and I actually watched it transfixed just to put faces to the idiocy on the airwaves, they have to be the worst I agree.
I switched on the radio one morning recently and Ray Darcy was telling some girl on the programme with him to shout/ screech out 'Long Weekend' because she had a day off the next day. It was so funny..
I quickly reached for the 'off' button. Cannot stand him.
Has anybody noticed this about Ray D'arcy:

He can't seem to read properly.

Since I noticed it I can hear nothing else when listening to him. When reading out texts or emails he is like one of the slow guys at your school. He ... reads .. each .. word .. with .. pauses, and you can even tell when he has reached the end of the line and is moving down to the start of the next line.