Recessed paved manhole cover replacement


Registered User
We had a drain blockage cleared at the weekend & the drain company recommended that we replace the cover as it was bowing. It measures 660x660mm.

Advice appreciated on likely cost & companies who would do this replacement (Dublin) - my drain guy said they could replace the cover but I’d need a paver separately, which is not ideal - would like whole job done once.

Also wonder if replacement cover is same size, why existing paving stones can’t be replaced back into new cover, jigsaw style?

Pictures attached.


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No, the cover has been down for 18 years, with car going over it every day during that time. These things don't last in original state forever, so it's just wear & tear, & needs replacement.
Those pavers are likely just sitting in the cover with a bit of sand to stop them shifting around. I'd take the photos to a few local builders providers in your area and see if the same cover is still available, it very likely is. Then you can just swap it yourself or any DIY enthusiast or general builder will do it. No need for a specialist.

If you're going to get a professional in to do it you'd be better off replacing the cover and frame with something designed for car traffic.
Thanks for this. After reading up on this I know that there are different load bearing options available, so know what to ask for.

I’d still like to get someone to do the while job, & surprised I can see anyone online offering that service.
I’d still like to get someone to do the while job, & surprised I can see anyone online offering that service.
I think it's probably like asking why there isn't a service offered for replacing a plugtop on kettles; it's a very rare request and something any paver/handyman/builder would be able to do without thinking about it. If you stick the job up on I'd say you'll find somebody who will do it no problem.
I’d still like to get someone to do the while job, & surprised I can see anyone online offering that service.
That's a niche job that no one will specialise in, so not surprising that you don't see anyone advertising that specifically. It's a job any general builder or decent paving / hard landscaping company will be able to do.
as the other poster said those pavers are most likely loose in it, pretty easy DIY if you get a replacement cover imo.
As it turns out, I cannot for the life of me find a replacement recessed manhole/drain cover which is 660x660 anywhere - just my luck !