Recently Retired Pensioner after lifetime with HSE, entitled to COAP?


Registered User
My mother has recently retired, and she is getting her pension from the Health Board.

She is not entitled, it appears, to the state old age pension as well.

Is this correct and does anyone have links to same.

A friend of hers gets her Health Board pension and a deserted wives pension that she can now change to the state old age pension, i.e. she will have both. Just trying to understand the rules.

Re: Sate Pension Query has detailed information about the different state pension schemes and the qualification criteria applicable.
Re: Sate Pension Query

Was she working for the Health Board in Ireland for most of her working life?
Re: Sate Pension Query

Was she working for the Health Board in Ireland for most of her working life?
Yeah she has been working her entore career for ther health board. I looked up that site clubman and while its useful it does not answer the question.

Ive changed the title somewhat to more accurately reflect the question. Let me know if this is OK.

I imagine that as a public servant she never paid a full prsi contribution and so would not be entitled to the Contributory Old Age Pension.

She should contact the superannuation section of the HSE to determine what her entitlements are.

A call to her former trade union might also be useful.


Pay Related Social Insurance (PRSI) Contribution Classes » PRSI » Topics » The Department of Social and Family Affairs
Some workers in the public sector do not have cover for all benefits and pensions and they pay a modified PRSI contribution - Class B, C, D or H.
Look at her past P60s.

These will say whether she paid class A or class D PRSI.

If class A, then she may get the state pension.

If, as seems more likely, she is class D, as she was recruited prior to April 1995, then no state pension.

Surely a person would know themselves if they are class A or class D PRSI??