Recently deceased brother's credit card debts


Registered User
Hello all, it's my first time posting here and any advice would be greatly appreciated. My elder brother died (at the age of 46) very suddenly some weeks ago. He was self employed but had a number of credit card debts, one with a bank here and one with a UK bank (where he lived for some years). My main question is am I correct in thinking that the only claim on these credit card debts is if the credit card companies try to claim from his estate ? No one else in the family was a guarantor for these credit cards. He left no will, was not married, had no dependents and no assets. He has a number of pensions in the UK and I have just notified the pension companies about his death. We can cover his funeral expenses amongst the family, but it is the credit card debts that I am concerned about, the UK one is quite sizeable.
Yes you are correct. The cc companies can make a claim on the estate and if there is insuffcient funds to cover the debts then the death cert is sent to the cc companies with a note to state no funds available. Debt is then cancelled but no doubt the cc companies will have a back up in place to cover themselves.

dont forget you can get funeral grants.

and of course I am sorry to hear of your loss, 46 is very young. Take your time resolving matters.
Just to echo Noahs comments. The CC companies cannot come after you, your siblings or parents for the debts. His estate may get payouts from the pensions, which the CCs will have to be paid from. No rush in sorting it out.

Mind yourself and my condolences.
sympathies qwert99 on the death of your brother. My sister died recently aged 43 with no dependants
Noah you mention funeral grants when someone has no dependants who can apply for the grant?
There is also a death benefit insurance linked to most Credit Union accounts if the deceased was a member and elegible.