Receiving phone calls but no response


Registered User
Hi - I'm beginning to get a couple of phone calls that just dont respond when you answer. I initially thought it may be some thief just checking whether someone is in or not but this seems a bit too clever for your average Joe. I have been told that there are computers set up to ring numbers to see if they are answered so that they can pass these numbers on the sales/cold callers/survey companies. Has anyone heard of this or have they experienced this kinda thing ? Has anyone managed to get it stopped or investigated by the phone company ?
I got some of these and if you wait long enough you may find that they are from telephone companies trying to get you to switch providers. I had a few of these and after a few minutes somebody with what seemed to me to be an Indian/Asian accent started asking about the phone service etc. Perhaps there's some delay in the calls being farmed out in the call centre. Could that be the same explanation for yours? Do you have caller ID enabled and, if so, does any number come up?
Could be an auto-dialer facility which waits to confirm that the call has been answered before transferring the call to an agent in a call centre (as per Clubman's explanation).
Could it be someone mistaking your phone number for a fax number? If this happens, you tend to hear the sound of 'data transfer' on the other end of the line.
I didn't actually receive the call myself but one or two others did so I cant verify whether they waited long enough to get transferred. I will set up Call ID and see what kinda response I get. It kinda makes more sense to assume that the call is for sales as stated by you guys all right. I'll post back if I get any luck in solving the matter.
Someones mobile phone in their pocket perhaps? My auntie Abigail and uncle Aaron get a lot of phone calls that way.
I had to hang on the line for several minutes before anybody spoke. I thought I was getting a dirty phone call and was fascinated!
Yesterday I answered a call, number witheld. Straight away a voice which sounded like a recording announced excitedly: "Congratualtions! (No name given) You've won a Caribbean cruise. To claim your prize..."
That's when I hung up.
I doubt I've missed out on the opportunity of a lifetime.
My mother got the cruise one the other day and thankfully put the phone down immediately.
Ash said:
Yesterday I answered a call, number witheld. Straight away a voice which sounded like a recording announced excitedly: "Congratualtions! (No name given) You've won a Caribbean cruise. To claim your prize..."
That's when I hung up.
Are you better off leaving the phone off the hook, so that they continue to incur the expense of the call?
Got a few of these calls recently, there was no one on the line when I answered over the last couple of days, I was beginning to get a bit paranoid, imagining stalkers, thieves 'casing the joint', unstable ex's who may have flipped (not that I have many) etc.!! Finally, today a representative from Acorn Life was on the line when I picked up, I was so relieved that I told her very nicely that I wasn't interested in their products. Now I just have to hope all the other unanswered calls were from them too!
I got one of these calls last night after reading this post yesterday. Keeping in mind all the above experiences, I stayed on the line shouting hello over and over. Eventually, after about 15 seconds, a sales rep from a telecom company started into her sales pitch. I asked her politely if, once connected, I'd have to wait 15 seconds before I'd be able to talk to anyone. That caught her off guard a bit.