Receiving Nuisance Phone calls


Registered User
I've been getting nuisance phone calls over the last couple of weeks. There havnt been many of them - but they're nuisance calls all the same. I'm not exactly living in a state of fear but at the same time, this little spineless idiot is triggering a mood swing from pretty chilled (prior to call) to steaming with rage (post-call) cos I'd like to jump down the phone after the scumbag.

Anyways, last night I texted him giving him notice not to call me on his 087 or any other number or I would be reporting him to vodaphone. I just plucked that from the sky and i'm not aware of whether they have a policy for this sort of thing or not - and if indeed they do, whether it can sort the problem or not. The guy rang back so I suppose its time to find out.

Anyone have any experience with this sort of thing? How can I nail 'em?
If you have his number (and 087- doesn't necessarily mean he's a Vodafone user), he can clearly be identified. But it sounds like you already have an idea who he is..(?)

Most phones can be set to bar calls from a particular number. If that's not enough, then you'd need to file a report with the Gardai before the mobile phone company will release his details to you. If you choose to go that route, I would advise you to do it calmly, and without using such 'colourful' descriptions...
europhile said:
Is it someone you know?
No....not yet!

DrMoriarty said:
Most phones can be set to bar calls from a particular number. If that's not enough, then you'd need to file a report with the Gardai before the mobile phone company will release his details to you.
Didnt know about the call barring option. Will try that as I have better things to be getting on with.

DrMoriarty said:
If you choose to go that route, I would advise you to do it calmly, and without using such 'colourful' descriptions...
I hear ya!
Maybe I'm wrong about this but if his phone is a "Ready to Go" one then he can't be identified?
Most mobile phone companies take this kind of thing extremely seriously. Received nuisance phone calls approx. 4 yrs ago. Vodafone asked me to log and time the calls which I did. They put me in touch with the guards who were extremely helpful and allowed me to change my number without charge.
it may not be of any help, but I use the Vodafone Spam telephone number everythime I get a spam advert.... if you're a vodafone customer why not see if you can redirect it to 50005, you do get a reply sayig they will check it out.
If you dial 087 5 XXXXXXX you will be able to listen to his voicemail, if he has one set up.
Kiddo said:
If you dial 087 5 XXXXXXX you will be able to listen to his voicemail, if he has one set up.

There's a case going through the courts at the moment of a property developer who did just that, it's completely illegal
Marianne S said:
There's a case going through the courts at the moment of a property developer who did just that, it's completely illegal

Guessing his password (e.g. if he has not changed the default) and listening to his messages may be illegal, but I can't see anything wrong with ringing his voicemail directly and listening to his greeting message which might give his name. (Perhaps this is what Kiddo meant?)
dam099 said:
but I can't see anything wrong with ringing his voicemail directly and listening to his greeting message which might give his name. (Perhaps this is what Kiddo meant?)
That was my understanding of the earlier post too.
Marianne S said:
There's a case going through the courts at the moment of a property developer who did just that, it's completely illegal
If the case is ongoing then how do you know that it's completely illegal?

That's exactly what I meant. The OP can possilby find out this persons first name if they have personalised their greeting.
Marianne S said:
There's a case going through the courts at the moment of a property developer who did just that, it's completely illegal

Its not illegal to do this, I always do it if I don't want to talk to the person but just want to leave them a message.

It is illegal to listen to their messages.
This happened to a friend of mine recently, as ciaran says - you need to contact the gardai and report it to them, they will work with the phone companies to identify the person.
All the phone companies can do for you is offer you a change of number.