Receiver to cover costs.


Registered User
I hope someone can advise or give me advice ( although I think I know the answer!!). I have had advice on dealing with impact noise in the walls between myself and my neighbour( living in a semi detached timber frame house). Basically the builder reckons that if he opens the walls it could be a lot more serious than impact noise in the joists,he thinks it could even be a fire safety issue as he thinks there's not much insulation between the walls( I know that's the worst case scenario!!)and it could cost us a fortune to fix. As the building company that built them is gone bust he contacted Homebond to see if they would cover any of the costs and basically they fobbed him off saying it wasn't structural. My question now is if I contacted the receiver(KPMG) would they cover any of the costs or would I end up paying for all of the costs myself...though I have a feeling I will be!!
That homebond is just brillant. Not for pyrite and not for fire safety.

What interest has the receiver in any of this, is it the other apartment the receiver has?

Hope you're not another Priory Hall, Longboat Quay or those bunch of houses that went up in flames in a short space of time. Please install lots of smoke alarms.
Not sure why you would think a receiver would cover your costs? A receivers job is not to fix a noise problem but to resuce the company involved and prioritise the companies current debts and ability to pay them, you are not a debtor and even if you were the amount of the money they "owe" you would pail in comparison to some of their other debts (I would imagine). You're dreaming im afraid....