Receiver appointed by lender sold my investment property

John M.

New Member
Like most, I could write pages and pages trying to explain what happened to me over a year ago, i find it upsetting to think about and I try to avoid reliving the experience. In short my apartment (was my family home for 15 years) was sold by my mortgage provider, Haven Mortgages without my knowledge, i only found out when they showed up at the apartment and met with the person renting the property (I was at an address that may not have been noted by my mortgage provider even though i had informed them by letter where I was and they replied back to me at that address) i made numerous payments to clear my arrears and had engaged MABS to engage with the receiver, in the space of a few months my apartment was sold which i found out by putting my address on google and saw it has sold at auction for €32000 more than the amount owing on the mortgage, I also have personnell property at the address, do i have any entitlement to the money made from the sale of my property or getting my own property out of that apartment?
Sorry to hear you are having a difficult time. I have no experience of this and nothing useful in terms of procedural advice just wanted to offer support in the broad sense of difficult situations. This too will pass, you are here today to tell the tale and hopefully with time and space you will be able to put it behind you.

I am sure others will have experience and can offer advice in terms of moving forward but whatever led you to be in this situation is secondary to your mental health and well being. Hope you can get a resolution in terms of your belongings and some type of closure with this.
Do you own another property?

If this was your only property, then it should have been subject to the Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears.

If you bought it as your family home, I am surprised that Haven was able to appoint a Receiver.

When was the Receiver appointed? Did you engage directly with them? How much arrears were you in? What was the balance on the mortgage and how much did you pay over the last 5 years?

Where an investment property is concerned, you are far better off trying to sell it yourself to clear the mortgage.

The sales proceeds will have to pay Haven's legal costs, the costs of the auctioneer and the costs of the Receiver. I doubt that there will be much left out of €32,000.
