Received my compensation from Bank of Scotland

Just wondering if anyone had received any further news, or refunds?
Still no news. Supposed to hear by March but I have doubts and fully expect it to be pushed out yet again. No point ringing the number they provided as the guy on the other end of the phone is probably the grumpiest man in banking! Lets just say the "helpline" is not very helpful. They just keep kicking the can down the road and will do things on their terms.
You should record him.

If you have to make a complaint to the Ombudsman, it would probably help.

Not sure it's legal though.

I've heard that the Ombudsman is swamped with complaints so we'd be going to the back of a very long queue there. I'd have though the CBI would have put a lot more pressure on BOS to remediate to timelines. We're now waiting since receiving notification last June, latest promise is remediation by 31.3.21. I don't understand how some people have been remediated, yet others are still waiting. Our mortgage account has never been in arrears etc.