Received a letter saying mortgage in arrears-bank error will it affect credit rating


Registered User
Today I received a letter from my mortgage company stating that my mortgage was in arrears. The letter also had a one liner saying that 'where arrears are evident on an account, there are credit rating implications for you, the borrower'.

Although I knew I was not in arrears I contacted them to clarify, after speaking to them they said that due to an Employee error a debit transaction had taken place on my account which was not corrected until the following day, this error resulted in my mortgage account going into arrears and the system automatically sends out letters when arrears appear. I enquired as to whether this will effect my credit rating and he said no that I would need to go two months into arrears before my name would appear so I could ignore it.

My query is if my provider was to make another 'unknown' transaction similar to happened this month would that mean that my credit rating would be effected, albeit that it was their error.

I just need to ensure that this does not come back on me in the future so need to know should I ask them for a letter stating this was an error on their behalf?
Re: Received a letter saying mortgage in arrears-bank error will it effect credit rat

I just need to ensure that this does not come back on me in the future so need to know should I ask them for a letter stating this was an error on their behalf?

Yes you should and you should also request a copy of your Irish Credit Bureau report from the bureau.
Re: Received a letter saying mortgage in arrears-bank error will it affect credit rat

Thanks LD, I will follow it up straight away, not too impressed by their flippancy about it being ok it was just an error on their side so that's why I said I'd check.