reasonably prices solicitors for buying a house



Hey folks

I am looking for a reasonable priced solicitor to look after the purchase of a house I have just bought. I have looked through the previous threads and where some people do indicate the price they paid no one really recommends any one firm

So is there any firms Dublin/Kildare based that are reasonably prices to look after the changes of deeds and all that

thanks BW
Dermot Deane on Mespil rd, D4..I've used him in the past. No nonsense to the point of being abrupt, but cant complain about the work he did...or the price at the time!
Many thanks folks, I will give them a call tomorrow.

reasonable priced solicitors

The old rule used to be 1% of the transaction cost, and then prices dropped during the boom, with the onset of harder to obtain professional indemnity and fewer transactions I suspect that prices will rise, but in general, anything that is less than c. €1,000 (you'll always have VAT and outlay on top) is a decent quote. Don't have particular Solicitor names to give you though.