Reasonably priced Accountant for sole traders?



Can anyone who has used a reasonably priced accountant for end of year Tax returns/accounts please send me either an email or private message with their details (unless its ok to post their info here?)

I am using a small firm but I am unhappy with the service. They are terrible at getting back to me, and I get the feeling that my business is just not important to them. I am a sole trader with a very modest annual turn over but I felt that the fees I was charged were excessive. I would be very interested in hearing from those of you who have found a decent accountant whose prices are at the lower end of the scale. I am based in Limerick city.

If you provide more details, you might get a more meaningful answer,

What sector are you in?
Are you VAT-registered?
Do you employ staff?
How many transactions do you have per month/year?

Beware of recommendations via PM as you will have no way of knowing whether they are genuine or are from people promoting themselves.
I am a graphic designer, very much on the small end of the scale. I work alone as a sole trader, income would be less than 30K Gross. I am also VAT registered. I keep all the usual records and provide all transaction info in excel in order to minimise the workload on the accountants side.