rear ended seek advice



I was rear ended today when stopped at a stop sign. No damage to either car but I have pain in neck and head. Had a neck injury in a previous accident which still pains me occasionally. I also have ongoing back problem and am on pain killers. I went to doc and got painkillers which i needed anyway and told him about the accident. Garda were not called and i did not report it.

If possible i do not want to get into legals but i also do not want more pain if my neck is 'rehurt'

Met the other driver later, whom incidentally I know, and he said if i want to pursue a claim he has no problem with it.

Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.

I think your making a mistake not reporting it both to the Guards, who'll get the details of witnesses, and getting checked out at hospital. Otherwise its just your word against the other persons. If you do have problems that appear later, you'll wish you'd got all that done. I got knocked off the bike and whiplash and other problems didn't really set in for over a week or two later. Too late to get the details then.
Thanks for the replies

I think your making a mistake not reporting it both to the Guards, who'll get the details of witnesses...,
There were no witnesses to my know ledge, no one in outer lane. People were passing as i spoke to him alright

....and getting checked out at hospital
I have put it on file with my GP who gave me painkillers but as stated i would need them anyway for my back. In the rear end today I hurt my neck which was previously hurt. So that makes it messy. I looked at the quantam pdf.

Also , 600 euro for a gp report and 50 to apply to piab. Might prefer a solicitor who would take as no foal no fee if that still happens. I dealt with indsurance company before and saw how crooked they are and the blatant lies they tell under the flag of "without prejudice"

Actually I would prefer not to bother. I have a lot of pain anyway which makes me tired from missed sleep but as you say there could be a long term effect. Will see how i am tomorrow
Also , 600 euro for a gp report and 50 to apply to piab.

My GP charged €250 for my medical report and as far as I know, that's the going rate. PIAB was set up to eliminate the role of solicitors and their associated costly legal fees. It's pretty simple to take a case via the PIAB yourself. What I would recommend that you hold off as it can take up to 6 months for injuries such as yours to come to a head - then start the PIAB process. You have up to 2 years to open a case with them.
I read last night i am obliged to inform my insurance company even if not claiming?
was rear ended today when stopped at a stop sign. No damage to either car but I have pain in neck and head. Had a neck injury in a previous accident which still pains me occasionally.

As no damage was done to either car (not even a scratch?) and you sustained pain to neck and head, maybe you are not medically fit to begin driving yet. Do you feel pain when you break hard?.

Had a drunk driver plough into the rear of my car when stopped at traffic lights around 2.00am some years ago. Never really got over that belt.
I would report it to the guards whether or not you want to persue a claim. At least then you will have some sort of backup if you go ahead with one