reality of getting a mortgage top up?


Registered User
I applied for a mortgage top up a number of weeks ago but we haven't heard anything since. I have heard so many things about banks not lending money any more that I am worried that we won't have a chance of getting the top up especially if we haven't heard anything from the branch yet.

Are banks still giving out top ups to people who meet their requirements?


Lenders are still giving top ups. Have you contacted your lender/broker to see what the hold up might be?
I rang yesterday and everything is looking ok. I don't know what the hold up is but I was too anxious to ring before now. I thought I might be makeing it worse by ringing (stupid I know).

thanks for your replies
No they won't honour the old tracker. I think ours is .75 above ECB. The top up will be a separate loan and will be variable unfortunately.

The trackers are more or less gone for new business. If you can manage the repayments, you could take the top up over a shorter term rather than extending it over the length of your existing mortgage, which will save interest.