Real Dickie Bows


Registered User
Does anyone know where you can buy real dickie bows as opposed to the clip on types?


Have you tried the Black Tie chain? Theres one on Dorset Street at Belvedere Road.
Should have mentioned that I am based in Kerry but will be in Dublin in the next month or so if they are only available in the big smoke.
Sorry Christie, should not have assumed u were in the Big Smoke! I think Black Tie have branches. Maybe theres one closer to you.
That's great I will try M&S and Tie Rack next time I am in Dublin. Where is the nearest Tie Rack to Grafton Street does anyone know?
Tie Rack, Grafton St. 01 6711581 and St Stephens Green 01 4781928. I would say that M&S is probably your best bet.
Had to buy one last month, M&S were sold out and very few places had them in plain, black silk. Got it in Debenhams in the Jervis centre in the end.

Ryles was the first place I thought of alright but they have stopped selling them unfortunately, but thanks anyway.

At least I have a few options to try on my next trip to Dublin, thanks for all the pointers.

Thanks for all the tips I got a real dickie bow in Tie Rack Stpehens Green yesterday.
