Ready reckoner

Brendan Burgess

house value| |tax
€100k|.18% of €50k|€90
€200k|.18% of €175k|€315
€500k|.18% of €475k|€855
€1m|.18% of €1m|€1,755
€2m|€1,755 +.25% of €1m|€4,300
The odd thing is that someone with a house worth €450k will pay based on a house worth €475k. I expect that valuations will all fall just below the upper band.
These amounts start in july? so do we halve the amount of the new property tax and add it to half the old one?
So 100k = 90/2 + 100/2 = 95

Thanks Paddy,

So it looks like its 0.18% for most of us up to €1m based on €50k increments at the mid point of the increment.
Band ........................Mid Point....... %........ Full Year....... 6mo July 2013
400,001 - 450,000.... 425,000........ 0.18%.... €765.............. €382

This looks a lot worse than outlined by Brendan above. €765 V €315!

The 2013 half year property tax amount due on a property valued at €425000 is €382
The full year property tax amount due on a property valued at €425000 is €765

Valuation Band | Mid Point | Rate | Full Year Property Tax | 2013 Property Tax
0 - 100,000| 50,000 |0.18%|90|45
100,001 - 150,000|125,000| 0.18%|225|112
150,001 - 200,000|175,000|0.18%|315|157
200,001 - 250,000|225,000|0.18%|405|202
250,001 - 300,000|275,000|0.18%|495|247
300,001 - 350,000|325,000|0.18%|585|292
350,001 - 400,000|375,000|0.18%|675|337
400,001 - 450,000|425,000|0.18%|765|382
450,001 - 500,000|475,000|0.18%|855|427
500,001 - 550,000|525,000|0.18%|945|472
550,001 - 600,000|575,000|0.18%|1,035|517
600,001 - 650,000|625,000|0.18%|1,125|562
650,001 - 700,000|675,000|0.18%|1,215|607
700,001 - 750,000|725,000|0.18%|1,305|652
750,001 - 800,000|775,000|0.18%|1,395|697
800,001 - 850,000|825,000|0.18%|1,485|742
850,001 - 900,000|875,000|0.18%|1,575|787
900,001 - 950,000|925,000|0.18%|1,665|832
950,001 - 1,000,000|975,000|0.18%|1,755|877
Over 1,000,000|1,000,000|0.18%|1,800|900
Over 1,000,000|Balance|0.25%||
So the LPT is only levied for 6mo (July-Dec) in 2013 and in 2014 (Jan-Dec) will be doubled as it will be levied for the full 12months. Sneaky!
Uninhabitable Dwellings.

These are exempt from NPPR charge (you sign a declaration to verify that the property is uninhabitable).

I was told by two people on helpline for Household Charge that uninhabitable properties were similarily not liable to the charge.

But there is nothing specific in writing to say same applies to LPT.

Any views?