Re VW Golf starting procedure


Registered User
Re VW Golf 99 1.4
Is there a different procedure for starting a hot and cold engine.For a cold engine do you need to press the accelerator twice??If not the car appears very sluggish.
I remember reading this somewhere in an old manual.
Can anyone shed any light on this in the vw golf??
I think that's an old trick that would have been necessary to ensure the automatic choke would kick in. It was necessary in the days before engine management systems were standard fitments

I think your Golf will have a proper engine management computer that will take care of the mixture and the idle speed, so there shouldn't need to be a different procedure.

I remember an old Honda Accord where a stab of the pedal was needed on starting from cold.

God be with the days of my old Mini and Metro & the manual choke. Old Fiats and Alfas also had a bizarre 'hand throttle' in addition to the choke that you were supposed to use in cold weather - I think it maintained the idle speed higher without affecting the mixture - if the thing started at all... ours didn't (much).
I had a vw beetle in the 70's. and it was a bugger to start from hot. maybe the problem is the clutch pedal. I changed recently to a fairly new yaris and had trouble starting it - compared to my older corolla. seemed to be hit and miss if it started first time. turns out you have to depress the clutch fully to start it. it feels really odd turning the key the whole way and nothing happening - until you press the clutch in fully. only then does it crank and start.