Hoping you can give me some advice. I am thinking of putting my property on the market and buying another new property with the sale proceeds. If I am successful in selling I would have about 120K of capital, I was hoping to close out of the existing mortgage and re-open a new one for about 10K more, would bring the mortgage up to 210K instead of 200K. I would be doing this at the same time of moving jobs, the new job is a permanent full time civil service position but would the fact I am moving jobs affect the mortgage application ?, also the salary is less than I am currently on (I wanted more of a work-life balance and the pension is more attractive)
Hope you can help,
No1 Fan
Hoping you can give me some advice. I am thinking of putting my property on the market and buying another new property with the sale proceeds. If I am successful in selling I would have about 120K of capital, I was hoping to close out of the existing mortgage and re-open a new one for about 10K more, would bring the mortgage up to 210K instead of 200K. I would be doing this at the same time of moving jobs, the new job is a permanent full time civil service position but would the fact I am moving jobs affect the mortgage application ?, also the salary is less than I am currently on (I wanted more of a work-life balance and the pension is more attractive)
Hope you can help,
No1 Fan