Re Registering a UK Reg car here


Registered User
Hi All,
I am looking into buying a car at the moment and have found a car I like. The problem is it's a UK reg car which hasn't been changed to IRL plates by the guy who has it now. I have looked at the revenue and NCT websites re what you need to pay the VRT on it and it says you need an invoice from the owner, proof the car was brought into the country within 30 days and the V5 form. However on a different website I looked at it just says you need the V5 form and your own details (PPS etc) and payment. The guy selling it has said he sold a similiar UK reg car a few months ago and the new owner had no problem registering it with the V5 form with no invoice. It is the best car I am going to get for my budget which is why I would like to buy it. However I don't want to be left with a car I cannot drive. I have done a cartell check on it and everything checks out on that. Any advice? Has anyone been in a similiar situation?
just adding something that may help you or others.

we were looking a commercial van UK plate (owner told us fairly new at 07) wanted to sell as was and anyway eventually seller said he'd change the plates, he did and turned out vehicle 2 years older than it was. The seller was gobsmacked but we had a lucky escape.
It is illegal to sell a UK registered car in this state. A purchase invoice is one of the required [broken link removed] now for the revised VRT procedure as carried out by NCTS. The website that didn't have that detail probably hasn't updated their content since NCTS took over this function.

If the car has been in the state for more than 7 days, the current owner has already failed to fulfil their requirement to register for inspection.

If the car has been in the state for more than 30 days, an additional charge may apply. Revenue or the Gardai can also detain the vehicle.

Personally, it's just ringing too many alarm bells. I wouldn't touch it.
Caveat Emptor.

I would be very wary of anyone selling a vehicle who has not changed the plates on bringing a vehicle into this state.
Thanks guys, I thought it was strange he hadn't changed the plates over, I shall forget about that car and look elsewhere :)
You could ask him to get the plates changes and you would pay him when its complete with a receipt back from the Revenue