Re-occupying PPR and TRS


Registered User
So here's the scenario as a first time buyer four years ago.....
Lived in PPR for 2 years and due to change of circumstances I had to move back home. I rented out the apartment and notified/stopped the TRS. I will probably soon be in a position to move back in again and intend doing so.
What is my position regarding TRS ? Do I not qualify anymore ? Am I still entitled to claim the top rate for a further five years ? Or do I qualify for the non-FTB rate ? Perhaps TRS is calculated from date of buying and I forfeit the 2+ years of rental but will still have up to the anniversary of the seventh year ?
Since you've done everything by the book, you're probably in quite a good position. The two year break will not affect your overall entitlement to have FTB mortgage interest relief treatment for seven years - the only complication is that any calendar year in which you claim, or are entitled to claim, the tax relief (even if it's only for a month) is treated as a full year. So if you're in a position to move back to the apartment shortly as an owner occupier, you might be better to defer it until January to get the full value of the remaining years.