RCD switch in fusebox keeps tripping


Registered User
Hi, Just recently moved into new house ("new" as in newly built). Over the past week the RDC switch in fusebox for sockets has tripped about 5 times. On each occasion there have only been one or two applicances plugged in and drawing power so it doesn't seem likely as if overloading could be an issue. I have tried plugging in and turning everything on to see if it is a particular appliance causing the problem but as is expected I haven't been able to reproduce the tripping. (it only happens when I'm least expecting it!). On at least 2 occasions the RDC has tripped when I have plugged in a laptop but with no other appliance (apart from fridge freezer) turned on. I have never had any issues with the laptop at my previous address. Is this most likely to be an appliance caused problem or would I be better off getting an electrician to check wiring in house? Any advice appreciated. Thanks Rebeller
Re: RDC switch in fusebox keeps tripping

The RCD may be too sensitive, for domestic use it should have a rating of 30mA. What make of RCD is it?
Re: RDC switch in fusebox keeps tripping

Thanks for the reply. "Garo" is the make of RDC (same as all other switches in fusebox) with a 30ma rating.
Re: RDC switch in fusebox keeps tripping

I had my suspicions that it was GARO. There has been a problem with their RCD being too sensitive. If its a new house i'd advise you to say it to the builder to get the RCD changed. Its not a big job at all, 5 minutes. If not any electrican would do it. They cost about €40 max.
Re: RDC switch in fusebox keeps tripping

i dont believe that too sensitive story....have installed 100's of garo boards and never any problems
Re: RDC switch in fusebox keeps tripping

I'd try to get the builder back in to sort the problem. If you have ruled out any appliance causing the short then I would say that the RCD could be faulty.

It doesn't matter what brand of RCD you have...it could still be faulty.
Re: RDC switch in fusebox keeps tripping

I'd advise you to get it checked out. The problem could be in any one of the RCD itself, the wiring, or an appliance.

As with any safety related item, you need to get it checked out by someone who knows what they're doing to isolate the problem and fix accordingly.
Thanks for the replies. I'm going to get on to the builder (I've just moved in) and ask him to get an electrician to have a look. Thanks again.
In reply to trucker's message, i know for a fact there was a problem with the garo RCD about 12 to 18 months ago as i was involved in trying to rectify the problem. The problem is very very unlikely to be an appliance and definatley not wiring.
The problem is very very unlikely to be an appliance and definatley not wiring.

I was using the term "wiring" in the loosest sense of anything and everything between the RCD and appliances. Are you saying you can guarantee 100% there's no current leakage anywhere in any of the circuits under any circumstanecs?

I think the OP is doing the right thing in getting it checked.
Well without seeing it you can hardly give a 100% guarantee! If there was an earth leakage on a circuit it would show up constantly and not just occasionaly like this problem.
Well without seeing it you can hardly give a 100% guarantee! If there was an earth leakage on a circuit it would show up constantly and not just occasionaly like this problem.

You're making absolute statements again. Ever see a situation where something got damp/dried out causing an intermittant electrical problem (for example)?

Sorry to bang on about this, but I've a bit of a problem about people handing out what seems to be definitive advice on anything safety related when they can't possibly know the exact cause.

You may well be correct, but you can't know for sure.
In my last message i said that i could NOT say 100% what it was. I would not consider that an absolute statement. All i was stating was the probable cause.
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Thanks for all the replies. At least it gives me some idea of what I might be facing. I don't want to be responsible for an argument though I'd prefer to err on the side of caution when dealing with electrical issues. Electrician coming tomorrow evening to check wiring in fusebox to see if any sign of current leakage. Fingers crossed it's something obvious and easily fixed. Will let ye know what he says.
Re: RCD switch in fusebox keeps tripping(UPDATE)

Electricia checked wiring in all sockets and switches in fusebox but couldn't find any obvious problems. He seemed very thorough. He thinks it might just be an overly sensitive switch which is tripping when any high load item with a transformer type plug (laptop, computer etc) is being plugged in. He ruled out any safety issue anyway which gives me some peace of mind. Thanks to all those who took time to reply and offer advice. Rebeller
Are you saying he just had a poke around at the wiring and decided everything was fine?
He should have had the equipment to test the installation and RCD (tripping current) properly, if not, he should have at the very least replaced the RCD.

Are you saying he just had a poke around at the wiring and decided everything was fine?
He should have had the equipment to test the installation and RCD (tripping current) properly, if not, he should have at the very least replaced the RCD.

He plugged some device into all sockets which he said would show if they had been wired correctly or not. (all were correctly wired apparently). He said the RCD switch itself seemed to be working properly. Ultimately, he couldn't find any obvious issue that might explain the tripping of the switch.

He thinks it is appliance related more than wiring.

I know very little about these things but it seems that every qualified electrician has a slightly different way of approaching such problems. Budget is tight but if needs be I could contact another electrician to get a 2nd opinion. There haven't been any problems in past few days though. (unless you count a flooded kitchen caused by blocked waste drainage pipe - but that's a story for another day!!)
Re: RCD switch in fusebox keeps tripping(UPDATE)

He thinks it might just be an overly sensitive switch which is tripping when any high load item with a transformer type plug (laptop, computer etc) is being plugged in.

Just so you know, a laptop isn't a high load item.
Hi, I'm having the same problem, it's a 30ma switch by Legrand.

It happens maybe once a week and always at night, immediately after I've turned off the switches on the sockets that my computer is plugged into. I use two surge-protected extension leads, one with three items plugged into it and the other with two items. Any ideas what's going on here, I don't understand why it happens when I turn the switches off