rattlebag petition

Have to say Rattlebag did nothing for me and I don't think I'm a complete philistine. Never could stand Myles Dungan's world weary sarcastic approach to presenting it. Not nearly as bad as Sophie Gorman on Newstalk's Arts and Entertainment Show on Saturday mornings though!
Gotta agree on the great Myles - a pain in the proverbial with his know all attitude and contrived laugh.
I always switch off Radio1 after liveline to avoid rattlebag as it doesn't interest me but I have only migrated to Radio1 over the last year and must be getting old! Remember when my father used to have Radio 1 on in the car when I was younger and vowed when I got my car i would NEVER listen to it but now find myself listening to it and becoming totally out of date with "the charts".
Ron Burgundy said:
or if you are glad to be rid of that arty farty show then don't sign.

Spot on there Ron.

I heard insomniacs used to nod off during it...
If it's because of Myles Dungan that you liked it then wasn't he leaving anyway to take up some university post in the US?
No harm it got the chop!

Culture lovers could try BBC Radio 3 Arts Talk - podcasts available for those who like their culture in bite sizes.
Happened to catch the last few minutes of John Kelly's Mystery Train last night, where he was playing music from the Thai Elephants - This isn't a cool name for a band, the music was played by elephants from Thailand. The current Phoenix magazine has a cartoon about him playing Peruvian Yak music - life imitates art! And I guess he is wondering why they aren't keeping him on.
Ron Burgundy said:
or if you are glad to be rid of that arty farty show then don't sign.

LOL, Rattlebag wrecked my head to be honest. But at least I could change the channel.

Everything is in danger of becoming the same now....
