
seems a bit run down around the nutgrove centre?. We have been looking at buying a house in the area, however we are both from the northside so we know nothing about the area - prices in the area seem to vary greatly Any more comments?
adm1 said:
seems a bit run down around the nutgrove centre?. We have been looking at buying a house in the area, however we are both from the northside so we know nothing about the area - prices in the area seem to vary greatly Any more comments?

thats Nutgrove not Rathfarnham. A lot of council houses there. Areas around St Enda's and Marlay are nice but v. pricey. Also 16 Bus is pretty unreliable and will take 1hr into city at peak times.
Nutgrove is addressed in Rathfarnham.And IMO are also abit pricey for what you are getting.Rathfarnham is a great place to live, I grew up here and unfortunetley I am forced out to Citywest as I can't afford a house in D.14/16 area.
I lived in the Rathfarnham area in the last few years and generally its a very nice area. There is quite a mix of people and the housing stock differs quite a lot. There are a few council estates and ex-council houses or other houses near them are therefore cheaper. The best part of Rathfarnham is definitely around Rathfarnham Road/Dodder Road/Woodside/Hillside - near Terenure/Rathgar. Its become very popular in recent years with people who can't afford to buy in D6 and therefore prices have shot up. Along Butterfield Avenue and Ballyroan Roads are also nice areas. Estates like Moyville and Springvale in the Edmonstown area are generally a bit cheaper (although still a lot higher than the Dublin average) probably because the transport facilities aren't great and they're a bit further out. A lot of people in Rathfarnham claim that Nutgrove, Whitechurch and the 'worse' parts of Ballyboden aren't in Rathfarnham but in fact they are. Its just a snobby attitude. But generally I like Rathfarnham. Its got a lot of good shops, bars, schools etc. and its for the most part a quiet and safe area. Knocklyon is also a good area and some estates (the ones closer to Firhouse) are a bit cheaper than Rathfarnham. Anyway thats my opinion anyway
Hi, I must confess a vested interested but I've worked all over dublin and the traffic is not too bad in ballinteer at all. It's worse at christmas heading to the dundrum sc but the roundabouts are policed. The traffic used to very bad there years ago before the the other M50 exits were opened in Lepoardstownn and Carrickmines. I have no problem getting on/off the m50 - the M50 itself is another story.

No matter where you look try and check the traffic at different times to form a view - I know its hard to do, been there and done that, but it's what we did before buying there and have no regrets.

Good luck,
Hey adm1

I'm from Ballinteer/Rathfarnham direction - wish I could buy there now but the prices have just gone ridiculous - see Ballintyre for one example. Crazy stuff. Supposedly they're planning to get rid of Superquinn Ballinteer and build more apartments, and the same goes for Nutgrove SC eventually....

Most areas are ok to live in - around Nutgrove can be a bit rough sometimes and Whitechurch estate isn't great but apart from that, the areas are grand. Traffic is generally not too bad. 16 runs up to Ballinteer now (used to terminate near St. Endas) and I havne't used it in a while but generally it was regular enough. Would live there again in a shot if I could...

muffin1973 said:
Supposedly they're planning to get rid of Superquinn Ballinteer and build more apartments, and the same goes for Nutgrove SC eventually....

Does anyone know if plans to build apartments on these sites are definite?
All i heard was that the new owners of the Superquinn stores were planning on redeveloping the Ballinteer and Knocklyon SC but retaining SQ at the sites. So I think the may just be maxmising space etc. by building apartments as well as shops on the sites. But I don't know of any planning applications as of yet. Anyway, this is only a rumour I heard.
I lived for 3 years in the Grange Manor estate which backs onto the Balinteer/Grange/Marlay area. You have to drive up beyond the Nutgrove SC to get to it but I wouldn't let that put you off. The estate has matured very nicely, the houses look well and there is a primary school and church up there and you can walk to Marlay Park. So perfect for young kids.

BTW: No agenda, not selling there or anything, just passing on a nice experience.

Lived most of my life in rathfarnham around the Butterfield area, loved it not too far from town off peak about 30 mins on bus, Rathfarnham is v big- nutgrove is mixed esp around Holylands. Now live just up the road in ballycullen and love it there. Great thing is now close to everything- dundrum shopping centre, bars are ok, buses generally good. Up the mountains in 5 mins which is great.
I have found most people who were brought up there are trying to buy v close by which is a good sign.
I've lived in Mountainview for over 4 yrs (having grown up being told it was a no go area) and never had a problem. My Mum lives in what would commonly be regarded as a really good area and has lots of problems with teenagers hanging around outside at night. Don't believe all you hear about an area until you actually talk to someone who has lived there.
I've lived in Mountainview for over 30 years. I grew up here and I chose to buy here too (even when property prices were low enough for me to have lots of other options!) I think that speaks for itself. I've never had any problems. Myself and my husband are both professionals (not that that matters but Im just pointing it out for the following sentence!) There is a wide variety of people living in the area and the majority of them are lovely people. Its close to lots of amenities and the prices mean that people who actually want to live in the Rathfarnham area can do without killing themselves with a mortgage. As far as Im concerned noone should rule it out without checking into it further.
Moutainview is a much more mature area now, my in laws have lived in that area all their lives and its a completely different area from what it was 10 years ago. Houses especially the mid terraced 4 beds are very big and some have huge back gardens or side entrances.

Personally think its a nice area and if I could afford it, would live there myself! Good proximity to new planned s.c at nutgrove, transport links as well as Marlay park, Dundrum etc.

Would definitly agree with the last 2 posters, definitly wouldnt rule it out and its a long long time since I remember there being any trouble or hassle in that estate, lot of other places in Dublin which that cant be said about!
I live in Knocklyon and love it.

We have been there 10 years this year, had our car stolen twice about 8 years ago (about 2 months apart). Our next door neighbour was burgled one evening about 5 years ago, a guy hanging around saw the back door open and popped his head in, got her bag and car keys. I do feel those sort of things could happen anywhere though.

We live in a fairly quiet cul-de-sac so have no problems with teenagers hanging around. It's a mature estate but there are young families also. Since we moved in there have been less than 5 of our type of house (3 bed) up for sale so I feel that's a good sign.

The shopping centre is just up the road, schools, post office, church etc.

The downside is the transport system, it's my one and only bugbear, the bus service (No.15) is atrocious, there simply aren't enough buses to cope with the amount of people and very little bus lane on the route into town.
Hey - don't knock Whitechurch - just a decent working class area where ex-corpo houses retail at 400k - mostly owner-occupied now and proud of it. I live in a private estate (Grangebrook) beside it and have NOT had a bother in ten years (NO burglaries, car theft, graffiti, hassle or anti-social behaviour) - think about it why would people $@#& up their own area??
i`ve lived in mountain view all my life and its lovley only wish i could afford to buy my own house here.The is everything you would need around church,primary and secondary schools,nutgrove sc,rathfarnham sc,dundrum sc,pubs,clubs,parks,close to m50.anyone who can buy in this area should go for it!!!