Rathdrum sewage upgrade



Is anyone familiar with the recent news regarding the 67 + new homes that were built in Rathdrum Co Wicklow that cannot be occupied until the local sewage treatment facility is upgraded.

Apparently people have been offered their deposits back.

The same thing is after happening to us after waiting a year for our home to be finished. We have been offered our 30K deposit back but the reality is that everywhere is at least 20K more expensive than when we first started looking for a new home.

Who is at fault here? Us for not being more thorough. The Estate agents for selling us a home when nearby developments were already in trouble. The builder for proceeding with the build despite a stipulation from Council that the homes could not be occupied until the treatment facility is upgraded.

I just spoke to the COuncil and they say the upgrade will be at least another 10 months in progress while a local paper puts this at 18 months.

We're not looking to apportion blame right now but we've been waiting a year for our house to be habitable and it has been finished for at least 6 months. Very sad
One thing bothers me about this carry on ,Why did the Co Council give the Planning if the infrastructure was not in place, Council totally to blame and they knew years ago this would happen that what the census is all about, To help provide schools,sewage and other amenities for growing populations, A good kick up the ass they want.
My understanding was that Wicklow CC gave planning permission but stated that the houses could not be built until the facility was upgraded.

This was appealed and Bord Pleanala changed this to - could be built but not occupied until facility was upgraded.

I'm talking about the Ballinaclash houses here called Cloneen which is a newer case.

I'm hearing very different dates for the timeline on this upgrading from 3 months to 10 months to 18 months and i'm not sure work has even commenced.