rant about beggars

This is how beggars in Prague beg: [broken link removed]

I wonder if beggars here were expected to assume such a position, would we have as many? I suspect not!
There was a UTV programme which sent 2 people out to the streets - one to beg, the other to busk. The beggar made more money.

If you do give to beggarrs, how much would you give?
If you give food, do you ever have it thrown back at you?

No reply to Q2: if nobody gave to beggars, would muggings/pickpocketing increase? I suspect it would.
I don't know enough about foster homes.
They're just regular people who want to adopt
Fostering is quite different from adopting.

I'm not being in any way derogatory about families who foster, but taking children away from their parents is not the first recourse and anyone working in this area will tell you that.

If you really care about children or about social issues, put your money where your mouth is...do something to make a difference.


If you really care about children or about social issues, put your money where your mouth is...do something to make a difference.

I always hate that answer...mainly because it's a complete cop out.

Naturally not every problem is black and white and therefore not every solution is black and white. That being said...I will reiterate...if parents care so little for their own children that they'll send them out begging then the first thing that needs to happen is those children need to be taken off the streets!
I don't care if foster parents aren't the ideal solution to that childs problems. They're a darn sight better than begging on the streets aren't they?
After that you can get into the hows of how you rejoin the child with their family etc. The point is those parents need to be taught a lesson. It shouldn't be so easy to get away with child cruelty. What happens in other situations where parents are found to be negligent or there is a suspicion of cruelty? What does the state do in those circumstances?

What's happening now (in relation to begging) is they're just left there. This is happening all around one of the wealthiest cities in Europe...
Who has the power to make this change? The charitable groups that help these children on a daily basis (who've been at it for years)? The general public? Or someone else who can make it all go away overnight...?

We're always so quick to point the finger at ourselves in relation to these injustices. Oh why amn't I doing something about it. Why amn't I bringing a sandwich to that poor little child huddled in a blanket in Stephens Green at night. I'm not knocking the people who do...far from it. I'm merely pointing out that we elect people to govern us and make the bad things not happen. Then when we point out the great social injustices of our age...we look at ourselves as opposed to those governing us for answers!!!
I'm merely pointing out that we elect people to govern us and make the bad things not happen.

I know some Fianna Failers consider themselves to be minor deities but you might be expecting a little too much from your elected representatives ...
I know some Fianna Failers consider themselves to be minor deities but you might be expecting a little too much from your elected representatives ...
Nothing like a sweeping generalisation eh?
Don't be fooled into thinking that 'all' beggars are hard off.
How much would you think a beggar in a busy spot in the capital actually takes in if they were doing it 9-5 mon-fri? You would be surprised!

Some of them are there because they have no drive to help themselves, there are people and organisations that can help. The B&B example above shows this....

I never give, never have, and don't feel for any of them I'm afraid, especially if they are sitting there with a placard as they cant speak the bloody language of the country they have 'landed' in.
Don't be fooled into thinking that 'all' beggars are hard off.

There are indeed professional beggars out there. I know of two in particular. I saw one guy get out of his car on Pembroke road one day...just proceeded to beg with a cup in his hand. Guy was as well dressed and clean shaven as me.

In relation to children begging...case in point: I just ran down to Dawson Street Car Park to move my car. There's a young girl (can't be more than 14) sitting outside the entrance begging. I've regularly seen a small boy (a lot younger) on previous occasions sitting just opposite the same entrance. This is happening...what...less than 500 metres from Leinster House?
We have to be honest here, politician's do not have any idea of what it is like to live as a 'mortal' under them. Plush cars/offices/trips/television interviews etc means they are as far out of touch as they can be.

Money and business talk. Now if it was a major supermarket or some other large business lobbying them to make begging illegal outside their stores for a couple of 'plates' at the Galway races tent, maybe they would do something.

They don't care, to be honest! It's a reality.
Much prefer to give money to beggars than to chuggers.

At least beggars are polite and don't resort to bullying and intimidation.

Many live quite modest lives. Many are also very involved in local community groups and have public clinic in their constituency offices most weeks. But hay; don't let the facts get in the way when you are forming an opinion.
We have a long history of taking children from their parents in this country, often with disastrous consequences. Child services, particularly emergency intervention services, are under funded and due t the emotionally traumatic nature of the job there is a high staff turnover. Like most things that seem simple it is a complex and difficult area with no simple solutions. Powers that are brought in to remove children begging in the streets could also be abused in other circumstances. In order to actually improve the living conditions of these children a lot of money will have to be spent. If that is done the same people who complain that “they” should do something about “it” will complain that they” are wasting tax payers’ money on scum bags.
My hubby saw two fighting for their "patch" at the Luas stop in Stillorgan the other week. There's a woman who always sits outside the local post office as well, right on the step and she always manages to make pleading eye contact.
I don't give to beggars but years ago I saw a guy trying to build a cigarette out of butts he'd picked up. I stopped and offered him a cig, smoked one with him and when I left, I "forgot" my cigarette packet.

Mind you, I know what's it's like to want a cig!
I'd never seen the fake baby (doll) tightly wrapped up in a blanket beggar trick until this evening in the Bohemian House, Phibsboro.
Anyone who brings their child out to beg is corrupting a minor. Kids belong in school. Not being taught tricks by a 'Fagin' type character.
Lock up the corrupting abusers and ideally give the kids the chance in life they deserve. When a crime is still committed, many kids live without their parents because those parents are in jail for other offences and reasons. Theres only one class of criminal in my view. Having kids doesnt mean they should not be locked up for a premeditated wrongful illegal act. We can still punish the parents and give the kids a better chance if the political will is there. I ve seen parents pimping their kids as beggars and shouting at them for not earning enough money. Living in the city centre its a common sight around Grafton Street. It takes all my self restraint not to jump in there and lose my temper at these so called parents.
Be glad we're not in the likes of Bangladesh where kids are sometimes deliberately crippled so they can make more money begging.