Raising BES investment to close off funding


Registered User
Our company has recently received full funding approval from Venture Capital / Enterprise Ireland / very strong active private sources.

To close off funding we need to raise the remaining 9% through BES (we are BES certified), however we are looking for advice on who to approach to achieve this? Does anyone know accountant / investment firms that specialise in BES or indeed would have any advice on this matter?
(The Friends / Family option has been fully explored)

Many thanks
There are many accountancy and tax firms who promote BES projects. Watch the ads in the media between now and year-end as this is the time of year when they advertise new projects. Sunday Business Post is usually full of these. That said, I would think that there isn't a whole lot of spare money around at the moment for people to invest in BES, nor much of an appetite for the level of risk it entails.
Agree, I have had experience of about 12 BES projects. Many turned into a nightmare when it came time for clients to get their funds back. Out of the 12, 8 were okish (some were bit of hassle), with the rest a disaster.