Hi All, I am after paying nearly 900 euro to fill my tank with oil and am now on a mission to try and get as much out of it as I possibly can.
I have a relatively well insulated house but I have heard a few people on about putting reflective panels behind radiators to maximise the effective-ness of the rads and obviously make the oil last that bit longer.
Just wondering - have any of you had experience with reflective panels behind your rads ?
Do they work - does the house heat up faster ? Is the house noticeably warmer after the heating been on for a shortter period ?
Or is it all a fad ?
I have a relatively well insulated house but I have heard a few people on about putting reflective panels behind radiators to maximise the effective-ness of the rads and obviously make the oil last that bit longer.
Just wondering - have any of you had experience with reflective panels behind your rads ?
Do they work - does the house heat up faster ? Is the house noticeably warmer after the heating been on for a shortter period ?
Or is it all a fad ?