Racist 'jokes' by Polish politicians re Obama


Registered User
This is very disappointing - embarrassing really.

A terrible example for a population where (IME) there is already somewhat of a culture of racism, sexism and homophobia.

Difficult to take some Polish politicians seriously at the best of times and this will harm their credibility further.
I agree. Seems to be getting swept under the carpet just like Berlisconni (I know spelling) remark.

Italy and Poland still have a deep rooted fascism element in their respective societies.
I dont know the ones you are talking about, but as a historically opressed people wouldnt you think the Poles would have more value on human rights and respect for minorities, cultures etc.

I have heard of the looney homophobic stuff (was it 2 brothers in power?), the portrayal of it made it seem a bit cartoonish so I dont know if the reality was as bad as it sounded.
"Have you heard that Obama may have a Polish connection? His grandfather ate a Polish missionary."
The worst thing about that joke is that it's so bad.
There was a lot of pride in the African-American community a few weeks back after Barak Obama was elected.

In fact rumour has it that Michael Jackson is even considering becoming a black guy again!