I work in sales and am committed to the company. However my line manager seems to want to get to me resign. I think its partly racial (I'm jewish) and partly because my numbers aren't good, however he seems to dislike me since I joined the company some 1.5 years ago.
He made a few comments and jokes about my ethnicity and I'm wondering if I should take this with HR, which would mean that my position win the company will become untenable. However I'm worried he's going to caution me about my numbers and then if I complain it would seem like sour grapes.
Any thoughts and ideas ?
Will this complaint show up on my future references ?
Would you not consider addressing the issue with him directly before running to HR? He may be completely unaware that he is causing you distress (although this is not a valid excuse from his side) but if he knows how its affecting you perhaps he will stop?
If it continues after this then I would take it to the next level.
Have it all documented too - this will strenghten your case should it be taken to the next level.
If there's overt racist comments then approach HR about the specifics.
Letting the guy away with it will hurt your self-esteem. Don't let anger build up. It is very damaging to your health. Keep a diary about the offensive behaviour for later reference.
If he's making ignorant comments but without malice then perhaps approach HR saying that you're religion is being referred to in ways that make you uncomfortable and asking for their help. Just wondering whether the guy is less cautious if you're Irish in making comments.
If there's performance issues then I guess that makes things difficult for HR, so be very careful to separate out the issues in your mind and approach them individually.
Are you based in Ireland? This is an Irish forum and, if you are not based here, then the answers from a legal and cultural point of view, might not be appropriate.
Hi, didn't realise this was an Irish forum. Actually I'm based in the UK, but I think the main considerations are the same (or at least similar), as we're both part of the EU
what do you think my employer do if I complain ? can they sack me for this ?