Rabies vaccination


Registered User

Working outside of the country at the moment and return for a month in September before heading off travelling through SA/Asia.

I have quiet a few vaccinations already but need Yellow Fever and Rabbies. I believe the yellow fever vax is just a one day thing but rabbies vax has to be given over a longer period. Anyone know how long the course is? Whether I can get first course here and rest in Brazil/Argentina? Can't get them where I am now due to a shortage of the vax.

I think that you need 5 weeks for the rabies vaccinations. I'm sure there's info on the web but I think you get one shot and then another a week afterwards (this is the one that made me ill/flu-ey) and then one last one 4 weeks after that. Wouldn't imagine there'd be any problem getting the latter shot/s somewhere else - just get a note from your doc as to the dates and dosages that you have already gotten. You'll prob have to pay more though as I think they are priced as a package here (i.e. for all three shots, not per shot)

rabies vaccines are 3 shots over 3 weeks, day 0, day 7 and day 21 ( or 28) are the licenced intervals.