Quote for connection gas fire - shocked!


Registered User

I've just got a quote to conncet a gas fire. We are supplying the fire. The gas man is connecting it. Thrilling through a outside wall running pipes along an outside wall about 12 foot then bring it over another 8 foot and connecting it to the gas tanks. He is supplying the gas tank and whatever else is needed for this. He's quoted us €650. Is this the going rate for this type of job. TBH... I'm shocked! Thought it would be about €400 max!
Re: Ouote for connection gas fire - shocked!

what gas tank is he supplying? what constructionand thickness are your walls??
Re: Ouote for connection gas fire - shocked!

Sorry I haven't a clue what gas cylinder he's supplying. I'm guessing the same ones that were in our last house at 80e at cylinder. As for the walls I'd imagine it's the same as any other house. The builder is doing an extension and from what I could see the walls had two blocks with foamy stuff in between them.
Re: Ouote for connection gas fire - shocked!

I had a gas fire connected last weekend by an authorised installer. Granted the gaspipe was as far as the fireplace but he had to take the pipe out to the side of the chimney breast and back in again by drilling 2 holes in from the side to fit a shutoff valve. He also drilled a 4 inch hole and fitted a vent which is compulsory with a gas fire. He supplied the switch off valve and the Vent. He charged €200 and will be issueing me with a cert. The cost of the large gas cylinder refill is €125 (Incl cost of Cylinder itself). If you have 2 bottles you can also use a switch over valve.. I think what you paid was way OTT.
Re: Ouote for connection gas fire - shocked!

I didn't pay it yet. He's suppose to be coming Thurs! We will be getting 2 cylinders of gas with a manual switch over. I don't have any cylinders left them with the old house. He's also an authorised installer.
Get another installer to price the job.

Until people start using their heads and start shopping around, tradesmen like these will always chance their arm and charge over the odds for work.
The bottles of gas are around 100 euro each and the switch over vavle is between 120 to 150 euro. the price of copper and fittings are at an all time high due to oil price, that leaves labour charge and VAT.
Does seem so bad to me. After all you are paying a professional to do a job. His training cost money and insurance in that line of work is expensive. However I would take DonKings advice and get another quote to compare, three if possible, this will give you an idea of the going rate.
Under no circumstances use an unregistered installer, they may or may not work to the proper stanards.
Thanks guys... we told him we weren't ready for him, which is the truth and in the mean time we will get a one or two other quotes.
DavyJones... thanks for the breakdown of prices. Very helpful!