Qunnlife Celtic or Euro freeway



Hi All,

I have 30,000 euro's to invest. I do not want to buy shares directly. I have taken a look at the and think that either the Celtic or Euro freeways are could value for money. However, I'm not sure which one I should chose. I understand that it's impossible to tell which way stockmarkets go. Any suggestions appreciation?


The Celtic freeway invests in the 20 largest companies in the ISEQ. The Euro freeway invests in the largest 50 companies in Eurostoxx index. The latter is more diverse which IMO is better.

It's not an either/or choice you could split your investment between these two funds (or indeed amongst their other funds).
hi just a word of caution i invested 25k in celtic freeway 12 months ago fel to 20k in 6 months i took them out and put them into china fund with quinn they are now worth 14k .on the upside they probably bottomed out and quinn charges are probably the best out there
Celtic freeway has taken more of a battering, could mean that it's closer to bottoming out. But heavily laden with construction and finanace stocks, so could be more pain in store yet!