quickie registry office wedding abroad?


Registered User
Just wondering if it's possible to have a civil marriage anywhere in Europe where you do not have to give a lot of notice? Here in Ireland the standard notice period you need to give the registrar is 3 months, is there anywhere that waives the waiting period at all in Europe?
I was just wondering - seeing as it's possible in Las Vegas, for example, does any other European country have this facility?

thanks in advance!
You can have the waiting period in Ireland waived, you have to go to family court (I think), but they are quite reasonable about it. Many couples who planned their wedding, but forgot about the paperwork have done this...
thanks for the info guys, if anyone else has anymore links/suggestions I'd appreciate it - it's just for something I'm doing a bit of research on so all info gratefully accepted!
thanks for the info guys, if anyone else has anymore links/suggestions I'd appreciate it - it's just for something I'm doing a bit of research on so all info gratefully accepted!

What about Demark? Have you looked into going there?

Yes, I've heard that Denmark is quite popular amongst Germans looking for a quicke marriage.
Yes - but why Denmark specifically? What's so special about that country in the context of quickie registry weddings abroad?
Yes - but why Denmark specifically? What's so special about that country in the context of quickie registry weddings abroad?

You dont need a certificate of nonimpedament and you dont have to wait months, oh and its abroad and quick just like the op asked.

Go there get married and live happly ever after.
