Quick Question about Scanners



I.T. novice here...

Can a scanner be used as a basic photocopier?

Can you put a sheet in the scanner, containing text and pictures, and then send the text/images direct to the printer for an exact duplicate to be printed out.
Sure .... given a good printer not even too basic either

Bit of a tedious way to do lots of photo copying though! .... but would work just fine for doing it only the odd time.
Barney said:
Can you put a sheet in the scanner, containing text and pictures, and then send the text/images direct to the printer for an exact duplicate to be printed out.

I don't understand what you mean here. As above both a photocopier and a scanner duplicate so, to that extent, they do a similar job.
Hi ClubMan

as far as I know with a scanner you could place a page in it, and the image/text shows up on the pc; so this can be saved on the pc, or e-mailed.

So I was wondering if you can also just place a page in the scanner, and make a print out copy (text & pictures) via the printer.

So effectively the scanner is a photocopier for photocpying the odd page (not for a lot of photocopying).

I was just wondering as a basic scanner is quite cheap, and I very rarely makes photocopies, and not worth the expense of buying a photocopier.
Sorry - I get you now. I was thinking of multi-function scanner/printer/fax devices where you can scan and print in the same way as you would photocopy and print. The way of using a scanner for replication that you desctribe is perfectly feasible and would indeed be a photocopy substitute where you would be using it only rarely.